This sample center is your place to explore teacher and student materials for middle and high school mathematics.
Get an overview of the digital components that provide Texas teachers and students with a connected learning experience. Click each tile below to learn more.
Made for Texas teachers and students, the Texas Math Solution includes a consumable text that empowers students to become creators of their mathematical knowledge and is part of the blended course that works alongside MATHia. The Teacher’s Implementation Guide (TIG) provides teachers with everything they need at point-of-use to support lesson planning, facilitating student discourse, making connections with MATHia, and more. All student-facing materials for Grade 6 are available in Spanish.
To experience the Texas Math Solution, select a course.
MATHia is intelligent, AI-powered by Cognitive Tutor, software that provides just-in-time support and tracks student progress against fine-grained skills to deliver the right content needed to become proficient with the mathematics. MATHia is part of the blended course that works alongside the textbook. MATHia is availalbe in English and Spanish for all courses.
Watch a guided tour of the teacher experience in MATHia. To experience MATHia workspaces like your students, select an option.
The Enhanced End of Topic Assessment is a summative assessment designed to measure student performance on a clearly denoted set of standards. Each assessment is aligned to the TEKS of the topic, however, not all supporting TEKS may be assessed. These assessments incorporate STAAR-aligned multiple-choice questions, open-response questions, and griddable questions.
The Enhanced Mid-Topic Assessment exists for topics that extend longer than four instructional weeks. There may be additional Enhanced Mid-Topic Assessments for topics that are less than four instructional weeks based on the content and TEKS covered in each topic.
The textbook is available online for students and provides digital tools ranging from text read-aloud, to color adjustments for greater readability, to highlighting and annotating portions of text.
Student videos contain a summary of the important ideas and concepts from the topics, including a worked example for each lesson. A student video is available to explain each worked example. Watch the student videos below to see it in action.
Every assignment and assessment is available in an interactive format.
Click here to see the new Texas Math Solution Lesson Slides.
The Carnegie Learning MATHia software engages students in a variety of question types through its powerful adaptive software and 1:1 approach to mathematics. The Carnegie Learning Texas Math Solution supports educators in preparing their students for the newly redesigned STAAR assessment by leveraging MATHia for formative assessments. Click the new STAAR question type to see a video example of a correlating MATHia workspace question.