Professional Learning Academies

Let’s build your dream classroom together.

With Professional Learning Academies, you'll experience grade-appropriate math and literacy content through the eyes of your students. You'll also keep up with the latest and greatest in content development, pedagogical tools, and strategies. As you up your teaching game, you'll accelerate your students' learning, too!

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Elevate Your Classroom

We’re here to talk through your goals and challenges and to help you create a plan that will translate into results.

Participants will walk away with:


Grade-Appropriate and Stretch Content

Teachers build their expertise in grade-appropriate content, as well as make connections to future concepts, to set their students up for success.


Heightened Awareness of Teaching Practices

Academies facilitate teachers’ meta-cognitive reflection on their own teaching practice and provide access points to modify their instructional practices..


Increased Confidence in Delivering Grade-Level Content

Equipped with both strengthened content knowledge and elevated teaching practices, teachers will return to their classrooms ready to energize and inspire their students.

Learning by Doing®

We know from research on the science of learning that students learn best by doing–and so do teachers! That’s why our workshops are intentionally designed to fully immerse participants in the learner’s experience.

See how our math and literacy academies work to support you.


Professional Learning That’s Right for You

A Learning-Centered Environment Instructional Strategies Aha! Moments Learn more

Problem-Solving in a Learning-Centered Environment

Academies are structured for educators to experience learning as students would, actively engaging in discourse, hands-on tasks, and critical thinking.

Learn more


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