Think critically. Read joyfully. Write confidently.
To enable the future that every student deserves, Lenses on Literature gives learners equitable access to the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to succeed as engaged local and global citizens.
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Lenses' unit design guides students through a methodical journey to accelerate learning and achieve high-level literacy skills.
Through immersion in rich and complex texts, students will drive their own learning and use literature to better understand themselves, each other, and the society they are helping shape.
All means all
All students are capable of task-driven, grade-level literacy. Lenses on Literature provides embedded supports to help teachers effectively differentiate for a wide range of learning styles and exceptionalities. All students can successfully engage with complex texts—and by "all," we mean all.

Proven radical growth
The Lenses on Literature instructional model was field-tested nationwide by over 100,000 educators across 15 years. The data showed that the Lenses instructional model helps students gain up to 9 months of additional literacy growth per school year.

Intentional educator learning
Students aren't the only ones who make gains with Lenses on Literature. Our curriculum embeds ELA professional development experiences at the most relevant points of use. Teachers will continue to grow as content experts by using Lenses on Literature.

Educator Experiences
“The results are really amazing and fulfilling as a teacher.”Sara Ballute, 10th Grade Teacher
“It puts these pedagogical tools in [teachers'] hands and enables them to share information, share best practices in a way that really promotes leadership.”Patricia Mitchell, Principal
“When you plan tasks, activities, and questions that require kids to think, they will take to it, and they will think.”Kiri Soares, Principal